Monday, September 30, 2019

Cyber Crime

Crime   is   on   the   rise   just   about   everywhere   these   days,   but   nowhere   has   this   up   rise   in   crime   become   more   apparent   than   in   cyber   space.   Like   so   many   other   aspects   of   our   lives,   major   fraud   has   gone   high   tech.The   FBI   estimates   that   businesses   alone   lose   an   upwards   of   $1.5   trillion   annually   as   a   direct   result   of   cyber   crimes.   The   number   of   these   crimes   has   tripled   in   the   past   two   years   and   the   numbers   continue   to   climb.   (O’Leary   &   O’Leary)   p. 287Through   the   duration   of   this   essay   we   will   be   embarking   on   a   journey   into   the   dark   and   seedy   world   of   cyber   crime.   Within   this   text   you   will   find,   the   definition   of   cyber   crime,   the   most   typical   types   of   cyber   criminals,   as   well   as   the   most   common   forms   of   cyber   crime.The   exact   definition   of   cyber   crime   is   still   evolving.   (   ).   Cyber   crime,   or   computer   crime,   is   an   extremely   broad   term.   This   term   is   most   commonly   used   to   describe   criminal   activity   committed   where   a   computer   or   network   is   the   source,   tool,   or   target   of   a   crime.   Like   traditional   crime,   cyber   crime   can   take   many   shapes   and   occur   at   any   time   or   any   place.When   an   individual   is   the   main   target   of   cyber   crime,   the   computer à ‚  can   be   considered   a   tool   rather   than   the   target.   These   crimes   generally   involve   less   technical   expertise   as   the   damage   done   manifests   itself   in   the   real   world.   In   these   types   of   cases   the   damage   dealt   is   primarily   psychological.By   now   many   of   us     are   all   too   familiar   with   spam.   Spam   or   spamming   refers   to   the   abuse   of   electronic   messaging   systems   to   send   unsolicited   bulk   messages indiscriminately.   While   the   most   widely   recognized   form   of   spam   is   e-mail   spam,   the   term   can   also   be   applied   to   similar   abuses   in   other   media.Some   of   these   abuses   include;   instant   messaging   spam,   web   search   engine   spam,   s pam   in   blogs,   wiki   spam,   mobile   phone   messaging   spam,   social   networking   spam,   as   well   as   internet   forum   spam. As   applied   to   email,   specific   anti-spam   laws   are   relatively   new,   however   limits   on   unsolicited   electronic   communications   have   existed   in   some   forms   for   some   time.Another   common   crime   plauging   cyber   space   is   identity   theft.   Internet   identity   theft   is   different   from   common   identity   theft   in   a   few   different   ways.   Common   identity   theft   is   different   from   common   identity   theft   takes   place   after   something   is   physically   stolen   from you   like   a   wallet   containing   credit   cards   and   a   driver’s   license   or   an   un-shredded   credit   card   statement from   your   garbage   bin.The   thief   would   take   these   stolen   articles   and   use   them   to   make   a   fraudulent   purchase   or   something   of   that  Ã‚   nature. Internet   identity   theft   can   be   much   more   devastating   than   conventional   identity   theft   at   times   due   to   the   fact   that   most   victims   of   internet   identity   theft   are   completely   unaware   that   anything   has   been   stolen   from   them   until   it   is   far   too   late.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gone   are   the   days   when   we   had   to   step   outside   to   purchase   our   groceries,   book   flights,   and   vacations,   or   simply   transfer   money   between   bank   accounts.Today,   we   can   simply   grab   our   checkbooks,   debit   cards   or   credit   cards,   sit   down   at   a   computer   in   the   comfort   and   safety   of   our   home,   and   complete   these   transactions   with passwords   and   PIN   numbers.Thanks   to   advances   in   technology,   the   types of   transactions   we   can   now   complete   online   are   virtually   endless.   Unfortunately,   the   increase   in   online transactions   has   been   accompanied   byà ‚   an   increase   in   online   identity   theft.   Fraudulent   access   to   personal information   over   the   internet   is   increasingly   prevalent   and   sophisticated.Two   forms   of     identity   theft   are   at   the   forefront   of   this   internet   piracy are   phishing   and   pharming.     Both   pharming   and   phishing   are   methods   used   to   steal   personal   information   from   unsuspecting   people   over   the   internet.   Phishing   typically   involves   fraudulent   bulk   email   messages   that   guide   recipients   to   (legitimate   looking)   fake   web   sites   and   try   to get   them   to   supply   personal   information   like   account   passwords.   Pharming   is   in   many   ways   similar   to   phishing.Pharmers   also   send   emails.   The   consumer,   however,   can   be   duped   by   the   pharmer   without   even opening   an   email   attachment.   The   consumer   compromises   his   personal   financial   information   simply   by opening   the   email   message.The   pharming   email   message   contains   a   virus   that   installs   a   small   software   program   on   the   end   user’s   computer.   Subsequently,   when   the   consumer   tries   to visit   an   official   web   site,   the   pharmer’s   software   program   redirects   the   browser   to   the   pharmer’s   fake   version   of   the   web   site.   This   allows   the   pharmer   to   capture   the   personal   financial   information that   the   consumer   enters   into   the   counterfeit   web   site,   and   the   consumer’s   a ccount   is   again   compromised.The   latest   form   of   pharming   does   not   require   email   at   all.   Password   stealing   Trojan   horses   can   attack   through   Microsoft   Messenger   where   key loggers   are   run.   Key loggers   are   viruses   that   track   a   user’s   keystrokes   on   legitimate   sites   and   steal   passwords,   allowing   a   thief   to   have   access   to   a   consumer’s   password   for   future   fraudulent   transactions.The   most   common   blunder   people   make   when   the   topic   of   a   computer   virus   arises   is   to   refer   to   a worm   or   Trojan   horse   as   a   virus.   While   the   words   Trojan,   worm   and   virus   are   often   used   interchangeably,   they   are   not   exactly   the   same.à ‚  Viruses,   worms   and   Trojan   horses   are   all   malicious   programs that   can   cause   damage   to   your   computer,   but   there   are   differences   among   the   three,   and   knowing   those   differences   can   help   you   to   better   protect   your   computer   from   their   often   damaging   effects.A   computer   virus   attaches   itself   to   a   program   or   file   enabling   it   to   spread   from   one   computer   to another,   leaving   infections   as   it   travels.   Like   a   human   virus,   a   computer   virus   can   range   in   severity. Some   viruses   may   cause   only   mildly   annoying   effects   while   others   can   damage   your   hardware,   software   or   files.Almost   all   viruses   are   attached   to   an   executable   file ,   which   means   the   virus   may   exist   on   your computer,   however,   it   may   not   actually   infect   your   computer   unless   you   run   or   open   the   malicious   program.  It   is   important   to   note   that   a   virus   cannot   be   spread   without   human   action,   such   as   running an   infected   program   in   order   to   keep   it   going.   People   continue   the   spread   of   a   computer   virus,   mostly unknowingly,   by   sharing   infecting   files   or   sending emails   viruses   as   attachments   in   the   email.In   summary,   the   same   types   of   fraud   schemes   that   have   victimized   consumers   and   investors   for   many years   before   the   creation   of   the   internet   are   now   appearing   online.  In   the   process,   they   not   only   cause   harm   to   consumers   and   investors,   but   also   undermine   consumer   confidence   in   legitimate   e-commerce   and   the   internet.People   who   commit   cyber   crime   are   cyber   criminals.   Like   cyber   crime,   cyber   criminals   can   take   many   forms.   These   criminals   are   typically   terrorists,   child   predators,   members   of   organized   crime,   employees,   outside   users,   hackers   and   crackers.   It   is   important   to   point   out   the   difference   between   hackers   and   crackers.   Hackers   are   individuals   who   gain   unauthorized   access   to   a   computer   system   simply   for   the   thrill of   it.   Crackers   do   the   same   thing,   but   for   malicious   purposes.Computer   hackin g   is   most   common   among   teenagers   and   young   adults,   although   there   are   many older   hackers   as   well.   Many   hackers   are   true   technology   buffs   who   enjoy   learning   more   about   how computers   work   and   consider   computer   hacking   an   art   form.   They   often   enjoy   programming   and   have expert   level   skills   in   one   particular   program.For   these   individuals,   computer   hacking   is   a   real   life   application   of   their   problem   solving   skills.   It   is   perceived   as   a   chance   to   demonstrate,   or   showcase   their abilities,   and   talents,   and   not   an   opportunity   to   harm   others.Cracking   is   the   act   of   breaking   into   a   computer   system,   often   on   a   network.   Cont rary   to   popular   belief,   crackers   are   hardly   mediocre   hackers.  Ã‚   Computer   hackers   were   early   pioneers   of   computing.   These   early   pioneers   were   frantically   dedicated   to   inventing   and   exploring   how   things   worked.   As   a   part   of   the   sixties   generation,   these   hackers   were   also   prone   toward   being   anti-establishment   and   somewhat   disrespectful   towards   property   rights.Eventually   a   pair   of   these   hackers,   Steve   Wozniak   and   Steven   Jobs,   hacked   together   the   first   commercially   successful   personal   computer,   the   Apple.   The   sixties   generation   hackers   flooded   this   new   industry   and   many   quickly   attained   positions   of   wealth   and   authority   creating   the   inf ormation   communications   ecology   that   dominates   Western   life.   Meanwhile,   two   things   happened.1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     A   new   generation   of   hackers   emerged.2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The   world   economic   and   social   order   went   completely   digital,   and   so   crime   as   we   know   it   went   digital   as   well.It   is   somewhere   at   the   interstices   of   the   new   generation   of   alienated   young   hackers   ( they   sometimes   refer   to   themselves   as   Ã¢â‚¬Å"cyberpunks† )   and   the   world   of   sometimes   organized   crime   that   we   locate the   concept   of   the   cracker.   The   term   is,   to   some   degree,   an   attempt   by   the   now   established   older-generation   hackers   to   separate   themselves   from   computer   crime.The   debate   still   rages   as   to   what   constitutes   the   difference   between   hacking   and   cracking.   Some   say   that   cracking   represents   any   and   all forms   of   rule   breaking   and   illegal   activity   using   a   computer.   Others   would   define   cracking   only   as   particularly   destructive   criminal   acts.  Others   would   claim   that   the   early   hackers   were   explicitly   anarchistic   and   that   acts   of   willful   destruction   against   Ã¢â‚¬Å"the   system†   have   a   place   in   the   hacker   ethos,   and   that   therefore   the   term   cracker   is   unnecessary   and   insulting.This   concludes   our   journey   into   the   world   of   cyber   crime.   Through   the   course   of   our   journey   we   have   successfully   defined   cyber   crime,   identified   typical   cyber   criminals,   and   discussed   some   of  Ã‚   the   most   common   forms   of   cyber   crime.The   effects   of   cyber   crime   are   far   reaching.   It   would   be   a   difficult   task   to   find   someone   who   has   never   been   affected   by   malicious   internet   activity,   or   who   does   not at   the   very   least   know   someone   who   has   been   negatively   impacted   by   cyber   criminals.  Advances   in internet   technology   and   services   continue   to   open   up   innumerable   opportunities   for   learning,   networking and   increasing   productivity.   However,   malware   authors,   spammers   and   phishers   are   also   rapidly   adopting   new   and   varied   attack   vectors .If   the   internet   is   to   become   a   safer   place,   it   is   imperative   to   understand   the   trends   and   developments   taking   place   in   the   internet   threat   landscape   and   maintain   online security   practices.   Internet   threats   continue   to   increase   in   volume   and   severity.It   is   important   that   computer   users   are   on   guard   in   order   to   make   themselves   less   vulnerable   to   risks   and   threats.   Staying on   top   of   the   trends   and   developments   taking   place   in   online   security   is   critical   for   both   industry   researchers   and   all   computer   users   alike.  References  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   O’Leary,   T. J. ,   &   O’Leary   L.   I.   (   2008   ) .   Computing   essentials   introductory    2008.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New   York:   The   McGraw-Hill   Companies.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cyber   Crime.   (   2008   ) .   Types   of   cyber   crime.   Retrieved   September   27th   ,   2008 ,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From

Critical Theory and the Middle East Essay

Critical theory is actually tackled by two different intellectual traditions from which the term is derived – critical theory in literary studies and critical social theory. The former is primarily a form of hermeneutics, or knowledge that is gained through the interpretation in the understanding of the meanings presented through human texts and symbolic expressions. On the other hand, the latter is a form of knowledge that is self-reflective which involves both understanding and theoretical explanation which intend reduction of entrapment within systems like domination and dependence, in the advancement of emancipator interest to expand autonomy and reduce domination. Critical theory from a sociological perspective, is best defined as that social theory that is in contrast to some of the principles of the 20th century positivism, and is, in fact, sometimes referred to as negative philosophy. Contrary to the general idea that knowledge comes from people’s sense-experience, critical theory proposes rationalism which posits that the source of knowledge and the source of common humanity is the fact that humans are rational beings. This paper adopts the sociological perspective of critical theory, and relates it with the Middle East scenario, taking Qatar into particular focus, as an example of the Middle East countries. Historical Background The concept of critical theory dates as early as 1937, with Max Horkheimer of Frankfurt School giving meaning to it as a social theory that is oriented toward critiquing and changing the society in general, contrary to the traditional theory that is oriented merely in the understanding or explaining the society. Most accounts of the theory closely link it with the Frankfurt School of Social Research (or Frankfurt School which later became the International Institute for Research at Columbia University, New York in 1933), while some trace its origins to as far back through Hegelianism and Western Marxism. Most of the key contributors to the theory are employed at the Frankfurt Institute, like Theodore W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, along with Hokheimer who was the Institute’s Director at that time. The other contributors who were not employed at the Institute were Walter Benjamin and Ernst Bloch, both published their materials in the Institute’s journal as well as engaged in other activities of the Institute. Later on, in 1945, a certain Hannah Arendt also helped by extending the concern for liberation as developed in the works of the Institute. After 1945, in Germany, Jurgen Habermas and Axel Honeth continued the advancement of critical social theory. Marx’s Influence on the Critical Theory It has been said by analysts of today that the common thread between and among the German critical theory and the French post-structuralism is that they are both anchored on Karl Marx’s theory of social change, which generally proposes for philosophers and thinkers to not just interpret the world, but rather change it. Such Marxian theory has been revised by critical theorists to posit that the critical theory rests on the concept of intervention which comes from appropriate understanding of the past and present conditions which provides adequate insight towards change, or possibilities of it. Further down the history of critical theory, Marx’s great influence can be traced with the Praxis School, which was a Marxist humanist philosophical movement originating from Zagreb and Belgrade in Yugoslavia in the 1960s. This Praxis School was closely linked with the Frankfurt School and the Critical Theory. In fact, the term critical theory is derived from Marx’s concept about his work Capital as a form of critique of political economy. Middle East in Context The Middle East or the Muslim world in particular, has been perceived by the rest of the world as an oppressive society where only men have the freedom to live the way they want to live, while women are repressed and stay in the shadows of their men. It is anchored basically on the Islamic teachings which have shaped the Muslim people’s beliefs, culture and traditions. In a traditional Muslim society, the women are raised and trained to obey and serve men without questions or opinions. Muslim women are not allowed to decide on anything, even for their own personal concerns, since it is the men who have the right to decide – this comes from the practice of betrothing the women, and the men paying dowry for the women they marry. This technically makes the women possessions of men. Through the years, the plight of Muslim women who also want to pursue careers, who also want to live freely and have more options than to be betrothed and raise a family, have been slowly heard by the world. Through the years, things have changed dramatically and drastically in the Muslim World. Contemporary Muslim societies have successful Muslim women on boob tube talking about pleasurable sex, albeit maintaining that it be in the context of marriage, but still, such freedom to speak about sex in public was a big taboo in years past. Qatar’s Shiekah Muzah Bint Nasser Al Misned, is another example of an emancipated lot of Muslim women now successfully treading career paths that were never trodden before. How did it all happen? What brought about such changes in the society that was once repressive but now tolerate and allow women to have choices? Critical Theory in the Middle East (Qatar) The Middle East, particularly Qatar, has gone through a lot of upheavals, significantly changing the social, political and cultural landscape of the nation. Applying the critical social theory, which seeks to critically study the interrelated facets of society – political, economic and social – with interventions appropriately based on understanding, Qatari society has been led by its leaders into a more tolerant society in the interest of further development and advancement. Looking back to the socio-political and economic landscape that gave birth to the Marxian theory and the critical theory, it was a repressive society and constrictive governmental policies that were sought to change by the proponents. Mere analysis and understanding of such society and government were not enough, and thus interventions based on appropriate understanding was proposed. The Qatari situation is no different. Awakening to the real situation, deep understanding of them, led the people and the leaders to create changes which now manifest in its media, which is rich in stories of women achievers. One of the leading women figures in Qatar is none other Her Highness Shiekah Muzah Bint Nasser Al Misned, who heads the nation’s Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. Summary The sociological definition of critical theory generally posits that it is necessary that matters be tackled in a multi-dimensional perspective, and that rationalism is as a key to understanding situations need to be coupled with interventions. In societies where societal norms tend to repress some sectors’ freedom, it is a necessity to pursue a critical outlook of the situation and provide measures to address the issues. In Qatar, for instance, the nation underwent various upheavals which significantly changed its social, political, cultural and economic scenarios, giving freedom to women as they have never experienced before. Personal Opinion Oppression or repression of any kind is always an unpleasant situation, much less to a more vulnerable group in the society, the women. History is replete with situations of oppression and repression, and almost all those situations ended up wrecking nations, which means that ultimately, the people are wrecked as the ultimate victims. The proponents of critical social theory emphasizes the rational nature of people which, if given deeper interpretation, only emphasizes that as rational beings, people must be treated as such, rational. Further, the argument of Marx that it is not enough for people or philosophers to merely interpret society, but rather must change it, rings a bell of truth in the contemporary times. For instance, in the Middle East, much have been written about the societal repression, but only recently have changes been felt and manifest. Only when some things have been done to change the situation. References Ahmed, L. , 1993, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate Edition: reissue, illustrated, Published by Yale University Press, 1993. Calhoun, C. J. , 1995, Critical social theory: culture, history, and the challenge of difference, Edition: reprint, Published by Wiley-Blackwell, 1995. Held, D. , 1980, Introduction to critical theory: Horkheimer to Habermas,Published by University of California Press, 1980. Swank, A. ,2007, Sexual healing: How big is kalaam kibeer? , Arab Media and Society. Issue 2, Summer 2007, Published by The American University in Cairo. UNDP-POGAR, 2007, Women in public life, gender and women, Gender and Citizenship Initiative, 2007.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal life Essay

Quote I chose the quote â€Å"You also have to take time to think about why it is the right thing† this quote with the context of the text is certainly true. Just because all the people including your parents act in certain ways for specific situations, it doesn ´t mean that it ´s the right thing to do. And if you act like you have always seen just to follow everybody else, in my opinion is worst, because you don ´t even know if that actions are the right thing to do, you are just doing what â€Å"everybody does† and for me that is worst than thinking about the situation, taking your own decision, and then if you made it wrong, that helps you learning about good and bad decisions by your own, then you can judge another people decisions, because you have already analyze different situations by your own. Personal Case In the part of the text that shows some examples of ethical dilemmas, the one that says â€Å"should I extend the life of my beloved pet, or should I put an end to its increasing suffering by having it put to sleep?† This reminds me of a pet my dad loved, its name was Toby, it was a little Fox Terrier my dad bought like 10 years ago, it was a very healthy dog, but then when he started getting older, a ball started growing in his throat, so he started having eating and breathing problems, we took him to the vet, and he told us that he had a type of cancer, so he recommended us to put it to sleep, but my father refused. Toby started being skinner, and one day we found him dead in the garden. Maybe I would preferred having it put to sleep, that make him and my dad suffer, because every time my dad saw Toby, he was very sad because of its condition. Main Points This article wants us to understand what ethics is, the main point of it is realize that ethics is present everyday in every activity we do during the day. Also its purpose is to show us some ethic dilemmas to identify whether we have been part of something similar. At the end this article what’s us to realize that we have to take control of our lives, and our ethic decisions, because doing the things just because always he have done it like this, it doesn ´t mean it is the right thing to do.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Polyeurethanes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Polyeurethanes - Research Paper Example Some of these chains can be very small, while others can extend to incorporate many monomers on orders of hundreds to thousands. The length and complexity of the chain also affects the chemistry and how the compound will interact under specific conditions. For example, as the chains get longer, chemical properties such as melting point and boiling point increase with resistance and hardening, but chain mobility decreases (Mark 3-24). As a result, this impacts the mold ability of the polymer. One of these polymers that our society has adopted across many industrial and commercial applications is Polyurethane. Polyurethane is a polymer, which consists of repeating units of a core structure containing: urethane groups in addition to benzene rings and the carbon chain. The polymer was first synthesized in Germany by chemist, Otto Bayer, in 1937. The primary complex of chemicals, which are used, is isocynate and polyol. These chemicals size, purity, and quality all influence how fast the reaction will go to completion, as well as the chemical forces will affect the properties of the compound. The reaction is catalyzed to begin the polymerization reaction by tertiary amine compounds. Polyurethane is classified in a group of other compounds known as reaction polymers. The properties of polyurethane can change based on the types of monomers, which are substituted into the carbon chain. When in a solid form, polyurethane is a flammable material and can have some side effects with exposure to humans. It can cause eye and lung irritation, but is not a known carcinogen (Ashida 5-9). Commercially, polyurethane has become an important type of epoxy, which is used in a wide variety of applications in the manufacturing industry as well as products and services. Because of the multiple substituents that can occur in the polymer, it can have the properties of rubber, but still be tough enough to withstand great amounts of force as well as endure high temperatures. It was origina lly designed to supplement rubber, and eventually replace it. Now, it is used in many commercial applications. It is used to help hold upholstery and dashboards in vehicles. The â€Å"harder† variants of this material are used in shoes, as adhesives and coatings as well. One of the more typical applications of this was the discovery that this polymer could be used as foam. The synthesizing of the foam compound of polyurethane is a bit different than the standard compound. It involves a reaction with carbon dioxide and water, which is what it gives it the high degree of mold ability. One important fact that has to be noted about this particular reaction is that it is an exothermic reaction, meaning that high amounts of heat are released upon the catalyzation of the polymerization reaction. As a result the use of the foam polymer has seen the most widespread use in terms of the other variations. It’s most common application is through the use of insulation in houses. Bec ause the foam is form fitting, it can block holes and unusual spaces, which conventional materials would fail to block. This has also made it a good sealant for tires. The use of the foam type of polyurethane also extends to use on airplanes, as soundproofing, use in electrical equipment, etc (Moore). Polymers and the basis of polymer science have had a large impact not only on industrial and commercial companies, but also in the daily lives of our

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exam - Essay Example Ultimately, it should be understood that within the current juncture in time, needle exchange programs are carried out almost exclusively by nonprofit organizations and are not directly linked to any type of taxpayer funding. From even a cursory level of research, the reader can come to the realization that needle exchange programs around the nation, and around the globe for that matter, or originally intended as a means of providing drug addicts a fresh injection mechanism that would not have the risks traditionally associated with shared needles; to include HIV, hepatitis, and a litany of other blood-borne pathogens that were shared between drug users as they shared needles (Kalo & Racz, 2013). In order to understand the mentality behind needle exchange programs, it is necessary to understand the fact that the drug users themselves working to maximize the level of money that they could spend to get high; without the added expense of purchasing fresh needles as a means of effecting such an end. In such a way, each and every one of the needle exchange programs serves as a means of providing the drug user with fresh needles without the requirement that the drug addict/user will be required to pay for these clean needles. An unintended effect of such an approach is the fact that this approach often furthers a level of discretionary spending on the part of the drug user which is in turn used to purchase more drugs. As the drug users are no longer responsible for providing themselves with clean, fresh needles, the amount of discretionary spending which can be directed solely and entirely towards the drug itself is increased; at least in small part. Ultimately, determining whether or not needle exchange programs are effective is a question of which determinate it is being measured. What is meant by this is the fact that if one seeks to measure whether or not needle exchange programs have been effective with regards to curbing drug abuse, the answer is an obvious and resounding no (Xing, 2012). However, if one seeks to measure whether or not needle exchange programs have been effective with regards to reducing the overall levels of blood-borne pathogen infections among drug users, the answer would necessarily have to be a resounding yes. A number of studies that conducted the past years have definitively indicated that lower levels of blood-borne pathogen related diseases exist among communities of drug users that are reliant upon clean fresh meal supplies via needle exchange programs as compared to those who do not. 2. Scare tactics have long been employed as a means of effecting a particular goal within a particular group of individuals. One does not have to think back very far to realize the means by which scare tactics were used even within one’s own high school with respect to sexually transmitted diseases. In almost each and every health class within the United States, students were shown a series of horrifically distorted genitali a as a means of providing a stark warning with regards to the dangers of unprotected sexual intercourse (Twonbly et al, 2011). In much the same means, scare tactics have been utilized with regards to seeking to prevent drug use among children by integrating the most horrific images of what drug usage ultimately portends for the life

Was Peter Berger right when he changed his views on secularization in Essay

Was Peter Berger right when he changed his views on secularization in the 1990s - Essay Example My paper hence deals with the idea that Peter Berger was right in changing his views on secularization. The paper will also deal with the different ideas that Berger worked with and related to in his studies on religion and secularization. In this context, ideas of modernization, pluralism, supply-side of religion and the rational choice theory as well as the sociological relevance of religion are considered within this paper. Secularization is the lessening of religious influence in a society; it is the loss of religious institution’s authority to dictate to the public the practices required in organized religion. Bryan Wilson talks at length about the need for another force in place of religion in a society that is heading towards or has already adopted secularization. Religion forms the crux for most people in today’s world. The need or presence of religion cannot be ignored in one’s life and it is this presence that has driven scholars from all walks of life to study the effects and consequences of religious presence in our life and to present their view points. Secularization became prominent when religious debate turned towards whether secularization was beneficial or not. For Peter Berger, secularization is, â€Å"the process by which sectors of society and culture are removed from the domination of religious institutions and symbols. It operates at three levels, one is a social structural: in the west, Christian churches have lost functions that are now performed by secular agencies.† (Berger, 1969) To put this idea into simpler terms; the importance of religion in any person’s life is reduced since religion loses its previous stature and place in an individual’s life. Earlier, individuals paid more attention to religious details and believed that religion had to function in cohesion with state policies. This is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Free Speech Coalition Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Free Speech Coalition - Case Study Example The government’s side argued that the law needed to prohibit virtual imaging of child pornography to protect minors from paedophiles. One of the rules under the First Amendment provides that a whole artistic work cannot be merited on the basis of one sexually explicit view. Accordingly, the work should be judged as a whole to determine its value. Essentially, pornography can only be prescribed if it is obscene and if it uses real children. In this case, therefore, the ban by the CPPA was invalid, since it barred the use of images that were neither obscene nor used actual children. In Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition 535 U.S. 2d, 403 (2002), the court held that the rights of adults access such speech could not be withdrawn in order to protect minors from such speech. The use of the phrases â€Å"appears to be† and â€Å"conveys the impression† is relative and depends on the interpretation of the court. The work of art must contain obscene content in speech presentation, for it to be banned. Considering Ferber’s standard, a ban on child pornography can only be upheld if production and sale of artistic work were â€Å"intrinsically related† to child abuse, by causing harm to the victim and leading to crime. Therefore, if a work of art causes harm to a child by making them prone to sexual acts, such a work will be banned, See id. at 13. The Supreme Court also overruled the argument advanced by the government stating that the ban on â€Å"virtual child pornography† was necessary to reduce cases of paedophiles seducing children. The standard for this ruling came from the First Amendment, Miller, and Ferber standards.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Economics - Essay Example Will has to invest to raise the amount of visitors entering his website. Will has to log of the amount of traffic the website receives on a daily basis and compare it to the sales generated each day. Three months is adequate trial period. Will has to spend money hiring an online expert to increase the online traffic the online store receives. After the trial period Will has several options. He can raise the price of his items by $5 each and test for a month if the demand for the products changes. It is possible that it might stay the same and that way the company can raise his overall profits. Another strategy which is my primary recommendations is to lower the prices of both types of products. According to the law of demand and supply when a manufacturer lowers the price of the product the demand increases. I would start with low price increase of $2 on the non-copyright material and $1 on the copyrighted material. The cheaper product can have a higher price reduction because there are no variable costs associated with them. In the case of copyright material there is a $5 royalty fee to consider. After a period of three months I would evaluate the results to then move forward with a more aggressive discounting strategy of final sales prices of $5 and $12. The most likely scenario is that if Will increases his online mar keting budget and reduces the price of the product the revenues of the company should reached the $100,000 revenue per year benchmark in a short period of time. The sky is the limit for this innovate product created by Mr.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Corporate social reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate social reporting - Essay Example In a similar manner, disclosing the information associated with the corporate social responsibility activities is an important part of the daily functioning of organizations. Importance of CSR Reports The importance of CSR reporting has emerged because of the lack of dependence on the information provided by organizations, as opposed to their actual contribution towards the society. From the academic point of view, there is an accepted theory that discusses the factors responsible for motivating companies in disclosing their CSR information. Most of the information disclosed in the CSR reports was previously considered as the activities or decisions belonging to the private domain of corporations. The theoretical evidences suggest that companies disclose information associated with CSR activities to the public, in order to satisfy their prime needs and reflect an extremely responsible image towards the society. The legitimacy helps organizations in achieving the main purpose of attai nment of sustainable profitability as an important goal of the business. The corporate sector gives huge economic profit to the environment and society. However, in spite of the advantages, there remains an increasing concern related to the wastage or abuse of resources in the society. The society offers huge benefits to the corporate sector, which is why, it has the right of seeking information associated with what the organization returns to the society. The increasing awareness concerning the natural resources is responsible for the decision of legitimacy of companies, which in turn increase the necessity of disclosing CSR information. Stakeholder’s theory According to P.A. Stanwick & S. D. Stanwick (2006), the business relationship must be occupied with a large number of managerial researches (Tilt, 1997; 2007). The stakeholder’s theory addresses to questions where stakeholders require special attention. Approaches to this kind of question are determined by the rel ationship between organizations and the stakeholders. It is done on the basis of exchange transactions, legitimacy claims, power dependencies and various other claims. The researchers have integrated the stakeholder’s theory with the help of various managerial perspectives, mainly the theories belonging to governance and agency. The stakeholders theory have been an useful frame, being both normative and instrumental, for measuring the role of NGOs in developing and adopting environmental standards. The stakeholder management offers theoretical base for proper understanding of the necessities of the stakeholders and function accordingly. Legitimacy Theory According to Brennan & Merkl-Davies (2013), Legitimacy theory can be explained in the following manner: Every organization seeks legitimacy from the public by ensuring the fact that their value system is congruent with the value of the community, within which it is performing its business operations Deegan & Rankin (1996) hav e identified four different strategies with the help of which the organizations improve their self-image, thereby gaining legitimacy. They can seek legitimacy from the public by informing them about the real changes in the behaviour, followed by bringing a change on the perception of general public, without causing any change in the actual behaviour,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Global Issues Affect the Whole World Essay Example for Free

How Global Issues Affect the Whole World Essay Thematic Essay- How Global Issues Affect the Whole World BY codi5181 Global issues today cause tremendous problems to the whole world. Even today, issues such as terrorism, the environment, population, global migration, urbanization, and economic instability plague our world. The most crucial of these problems being religion-based terrorism, urbanization and population, and environmental pollution and destruction. Terrorism is mostly linked to differences in opinion between different sects ofa religion, an example being Muslim extremists. Muslim extremists in the Middle East have radical opinions on the details of their religion. The IRA in Ireland terrorizes anyone who goes against their ideals. Terrorism is caused when one group of radicals feels the necessity to attack another group. In addition, terrorism can be caused when one group feels that they are doing the right thing, when in the eyes of someone else, these same actions could be offensive and could cause unrest. Like the United States Christians who gave aid to the Christians in Ireland. The UN has ways to deal with unrest between countries, and has peacekeeping committees to try to stop terrorism before it starts. In order to stop errorism in the Middle East, there must be a clear separation of secular and state. The sharia in Muslim countries does not have laws that provide protection against modern day technology and advances in culture. The Middle Eastern countries that are ruled by religious laws have to start to regulate weapon usage and the availability of explosives and other dangerous chemicals. An increase in the global population greatly affects many aspects of everyday life for everyone in the world. Population increases causes a vicious cycle of urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of eople from rural areas to cities in search of employment opportunities and a education. Urbanization is caused by an increase need for employment. People who live in rural areas have a lesser availability of Jobs and resources, so moving to the city makes this easier on them. People quest for a better life, and education causing people to move into the cities too. Cities such as Beijing and cities in India and China are mostly affected by urbanization because of the massive amount of people who reside in these countries. Some countries have put in place different laws and olicies to counteract the massive population increase. Chinas one child policy is a supreme example. Countries should limit the amount of people who can move into a city each year. Also, companies can expand into the rural areas and sponsor schools to be set up in the rural areas too. Urbanization in the long run causes a severe increase in global pollution. This problem is caused by the increased need to produce energy. Producing energy usually involved burning fossil fuels. The air pollution causes the Green house effect, which causes the Earth to slowly heat up. Environmental problems like lack of medical cures and oxygen level decreases are caused by human deforestization. International committees are set up to limit what humans can do with natural resources. For example, factories must scrub the emissions free of toxins and people can no longer use CFCs. To solve the problem of global pollution, countries must find alternate ways to create energy, rather than interconnected. Everything that we do can be felt across the globe. International solutions to the problems that plague our world are a necessity. Problems such as pollution, over population, and terrorism can easily be solved.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Knowledge Carries An Ethical Responsibility Philosophy Essay

Knowledge Carries An Ethical Responsibility Philosophy Essay We began collecting new information from the day we were born through various ways of knowing such as emotion and perception. This is because we want to learn about life and we do this by interpreting the knowledge that we possessed and possession is the state of owning something. At first we may not know or care what the knowledge that we possess carries and we continue to live our lives without knowing what they are. But as we grow in age, we may begin to question ourselves are we free to own this knowledge? Then questions may appear in our brains about the duties of carrying such knowledge and are we obligated to act upon the things we know? Does the possession of any type of knowledge carry an ethical responsibility? I agree on the claim to be reasonable that the possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility. Knowledge carries an ethical responsibility. My thesis is that our knowledge is interpreted from things that are representative of our social values, therefore k nowledge comes with a certain level of responsibility accordingly to the social values. I believe ethics and moral are quite different, ethics is the standard behavior expected by a group for example the society. According to Albert Schweitzer, The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings, solidarity is the bond shown by a society with people and those around them. We act because there is integration between us and those around us. If one holds the knowledge to another persons life, he/she is obligated to act upon it because of our social values. It is not ethical to watch the world burn if knowing you have the ability to stop it. But I will go into the knowledge issues that derive from this claim, in order to evaluate the ethical responsibility of knowledge in different Ways of knowing and Areas of knowledge. If one should take their own ethical responsibility for their knowledge then would a primary educated person measure the same standard of ethical responsibility as a professor? Should these ethical responsibilities be a fixed standard value or a scale standard value? The measurement of ethical responsibility should not be a fixed standard value because we perceive the values of the society differently but as soon as the knowledge is directly affecting someone else, regardless of it is positively or negatively, there should be a scale standard value. I am 18 years old and I am a heart transplant recipient. I am very thankful for organ donors. 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with a heart failure and in 2008 I was put on to the heart donation waiting list and for the whole year I was on the brink of death. But a family unknown to me agreed to donate an organ of their family member who had been in a very deep coma. That person has a small chance to wake up from the coma and reunite with his /her family. However, the family decided to give the patient a peaceful death and they pulled the plug. The family had the choice of donating the organs or not. Looking back at the knowledge question, does the possession of knowledge that can save lives of many people carry an ethical responsibility? In this case, the claim depends on the nature of the knower, they donated the organs to those who are in need because they think they are ethically responsible to help the society. They placed social value higher than the small chance of their family member waking up. They acted as a utilitarian, maximizing the happiness in the society on the consequences of their actions; therefore the family believed it is the right thing to do. However, if we are to look at this case with divine command theory where all morality is dependent on the will of God, the whole stand point in this case changes. Because at the very beginning, pulling the plug is an act of murder and it is against Gods will, therefore it is morally incorrect to do so, even though you know the result could save lives and the knower will not see the need of ethical responsibility. At the center of this questions lies the different ways of knowing. As we learn in life, we also start to identify and distinguish that what is ethical and what is not in our society. Some we accept without doubt, just as we did when we our parent told us that stealing things which do not belong to us is wrong or teachers telling us that cheating in an exam or test is not acceptable. We learn what knowledge carries ethical responsibility from authority figures because these authority figures are respected as we believe they are more experience and knowledgeable than us. But do these authority figures like scientist or a literature writer carry a higher responsibility than a normal person? I would argue that everyone should take their ethical responsibility of what they know or have done, therefore scientist or literature writer should take a higher responsibility because they are doing something that is influencing the society. But there is independence between knowledge and ethics. It is more of what ethics relies on. It can be argue that the responsibility of ethics relies on the ethical principle. For example if killing people in any situation must be wrong, then why do countries still have death penalty? What is the ethical responsibility in natural science? There was a very interesting movie released in the year of 2005 called The Island where groups of cloned humans are held captive in an isolated compound and they were told that the outer world is too contaminated for human to settle in. Every week the compound staffs will harvest the clones organs for the people in the outer world who are willing to pay for the organs. If this scenario was real life, where would the ethics in this natural science of cloning in this scenario be? The buyer is of course suffering from an organ failure and is in need of an organ, the buyer knows the organ is harvested from his clone, what is the ethical decision and responsibility in this? If we are to look at this at a social stand point, it is definitely wrong to do such thing, although it is a clone, our social value sees that killing another human for your own needs is unacceptable and should be punished but the knower, the buyer may not see the same because his ways of knowing is different to the society and the way he/she see the ethical responsibility will be different. The biggest WOK in this is the emotion, the person is buying organs because of his strong emotion to live on and he would reason that the clone is a clone of himself and he may not see the responsibility in this case of action. I believe that in natural science, the need of ethical responsibility is more significant than in other area of knowledge. Ethical responsibility in other Areas of knowledge can be a must have, such as business in human science where ethical responsibility is equally needed. If a business knows chemical wastes are being produced during the production of their products, do they have the responsibility to clean up the waste caused by them? There are responsibilities when it is directly affecting the society, this is why there are laws and restriction restraining how much pollution the business can cause, but it does not force the business to clean it up completely due to economic issues, but the business holds the final decision whether it should act ethically and clean everything. Again this depends on the owner of the business, the knower, to decide where he/she should act upon this. If he does, people may view the business as an ethical company, thus increasing the business image. Therefore, the business must have the ethical responsibility to not over pollute the environment but after that, the respons ibility helping the environment depends on the knower. To bring in some conclusions from the above arguments, should the possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility? Ethics is the standard behavior expected by the society and it makes our moral principle. Ethical responsibility is the principle that is restraining us from doing a certain things that would affect the order of the human society as a whole. So I agree on this claim to be reasonable that the possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility but there should not be a fixed standard to measurement these responsibilities.